Cover Story: Making a good Zero better, Part 3
By Aaron Skinner
In this installment, learn how to weather field-applied camouflage.
Page 36
Airbrushing & Finishing: Silly Putty masking for a snazzy schnellboot
By Aaron Skinner
Twenty-four-year-old modeler Kyle Uy shares his techniques using Silly Putty to paint a unique camo pattern on a German torpedo boat.
Page 20
Build a better Tomcat
By Darren Roberts
Backdate an Academy 1/48 scale F-14 Tomcat plastic kit to 1985 to intercept the Achille Lauro hijackers.
Page 22
Building a prototype tank
By Cristobal Vergara
Two Trumpter 1/35 scale KV-1 tank kits and scratchbuilding combine to make a prototype Soviet KV-220.
Page 28
Gallery Special: FSM World War I Aeroplane Group Build
Focusing on World War I aircraft, daring modelers from the FSM Forum show off their flying machines. Kits from Roden, Encore, Eduard, Wingnut Wings, and more!
Page 42
Modeling an A3D-2 Skywarrior
By Frank Cuden
Modify Hasegawa's 1/72 scale A3D-2 Skywarrior to an earlier version with a longer nose and tail gun using aftermarket accessories.
Page 46
By Aaron Skinner
In this installment, learn how to weather field-applied camouflage.
Page 36
Airbrushing & Finishing: Silly Putty masking for a snazzy schnellboot
By Aaron Skinner
Twenty-four-year-old modeler Kyle Uy shares his techniques using Silly Putty to paint a unique camo pattern on a German torpedo boat.
Page 20
Build a better Tomcat
By Darren Roberts
Backdate an Academy 1/48 scale F-14 Tomcat plastic kit to 1985 to intercept the Achille Lauro hijackers.
Page 22
Building a prototype tank
By Cristobal Vergara
Two Trumpter 1/35 scale KV-1 tank kits and scratchbuilding combine to make a prototype Soviet KV-220.
Page 28
Gallery Special: FSM World War I Aeroplane Group Build
Focusing on World War I aircraft, daring modelers from the FSM Forum show off their flying machines. Kits from Roden, Encore, Eduard, Wingnut Wings, and more!
Page 42
Modeling an A3D-2 Skywarrior
By Frank Cuden
Modify Hasegawa's 1/72 scale A3D-2 Skywarrior to an earlier version with a longer nose and tail gun using aftermarket accessories.
Page 46