Basic Model Railroad Benchwork, 3rd Edition

Jeff Wilson

SKU: 12852

Learn how to build a detailed, smooth-running layout with the proper foundation. This updated edition of Basic Model Railroad Benchwork by Jeff Wilson shows you how to design, build, and maintain all types of benchwork for small, large permanent, and portable railroads.

Benchwork is the support system that holds up the track, scenery, and trains that make up the rest of a model railroad.

If you want to build a detailed, smooth-running layout, then you need to start with the proper foundation. Basic Model Railroad Benchwork, 3rd Edition, shows you how to design, build, and maintain all types of benchwork for small, large permanent, and portable railroads.

In this updated edition, you'll learn:

  • How to select building materials that are right for your layout.
  • Techniques for designing portable layouts that are made to travel and share with others.
  • Construction tips for building permanent shelf-style and free-standing layouts of all sizes that work with any scale.
  • And much more!

Pages: 128

Basic Model Railroad Benchwork Book Store

Basic Model Railroad Benchwork, 3rd Edition


Benchwork is the support system that holds up the track, scenery, and trains that make up the rest of a model railroad.

If you want to build a detailed, smooth-running layout, then you need to start with the proper foundation. Basic Model Railroad Benchwork, 3rd Edition, shows you how to design, build, and maintain all types of benchwork for small, large permanent, and portable railroads.

In this updated edition, you'll learn:

Pages: 128

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