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Build the Sandy Harbor Terminal Railway



Build the Sandy Harbor Terminal Railway, as built by Dennis Brennan.

Build the Sandy Harbor Terminal Railway, as built by Dennis Brennan. This O gauge layout measures 12’ x 14’ and features mainline running with industrial switching. It uses Atlas O track and switches.

This four-part series covers it all, from concept to benchwork, track plan, materials list, scenery and more.

4 Articles, 31 Pages

Build the sandy harbor Store

Build the Sandy Harbor Terminal Railway


Build the Sandy Harbor Terminal Railway, as built by Dennis Brennan. This O gauge layout measures 12’ x 14’ and features mainline running with industrial switching. It uses Atlas O track and switches.

This four-part series covers it all, from concept to benchwork, track plan, materials list, scenery and more.

4 Articles, 31 Pages

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