Great Train Stations, a special issue from Classic Trains, explores the enduring beauty of big city train stations from railroading’s golden age. Featured stations include:
- Grand Central Terminal: New York Central’s Gotham landmark also hosted New Haven trains.
- Washington Union Station: Trains of the Pennsylvania, B&O, Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, and Seaboard converged at the gateway to the nation’s capital.
- Chicago’s Stations: Gates to Anywhere: Union, Dearborn, Central, La Salle Street, North Western, and Grand Central provided access to all points on the compass.
- Los Angeles Union Station: Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific trains served L.A.’s Mission-style masterpiece.
- Cincinnati Union Terminal: David P. Morgan’s heartfelt tribute to a great station, and one of America’s outstanding Art Deco buildings.
- And more!
Includes maps, floor plans, and rare color photos!