Families and Electric Trains

SKU: CT14201101-C

This 100-page special issue from Classic Toy Trains magazine features 15 stories of how electric trains bring families together. You’ll get everything from families building layouts and collecting trains, to Lionel history and memories. Don’t miss this special collection of nostalgic memories and photos.

Families and Electric Trains is a 100-page special issue from Classic Toy Trains magazine. It’s a great collection of 15 uplifting stories of families, their love of electric trains, and how the hobby brings people together. Trains are the ties (and rails) that bind generations! This special edition features heartwarming stories, including:
  • Fathers and sons build great toy train companies in prewar and postwar eras.
  • S gauge layout built by a grandfather and his granddaughter.
  • Hobby shops run by fathers and sons as well as brothers in the 20th century.
  • Family builds and publicizes greatest public exhibit of toy trains ever—Roadside America in Pennsylvania.
  • Plus much more!
You’ll find yourself connecting with these families and their model railroad traditions that happen at the holidays and throughout the year. Pages: 100
Families and Electric Trains
Classic Toy Trains

Families and Electric Trains

Families and Electric Trains is a 100-page special issue from Classic Toy Trains magazine. It’s a great collection of 15 uplifting stories of families, their love of electric trains, and how the hobby brings people together. Trains are the ties (and rails) that bind generations! This special edition features heartwarming stories, including: You’ll find yourself connecting with these families and their model railroad traditions that happen at the holidays and throughout the year. Pages: 100
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