Design a Model Railroad from Start to Finish DVD

SKU: 15368

Learn how to plan your own model railroad with the great tips in this DVD!

Modeler and layout designer David Popp walks you through the exciting world of layout design, sharing a wealth of his favorite design and planning tips along the way. As David plans an HO scale 1950s Chicago & North Western layout for a 10 x 16-foot room, he shows you where to find good prototype information, how to reduce full-sized railroading into something manageable to model, and how draw an accurate plan that can be built into a working model railroad. The DVD includes a 3D tour of the track plan!
  • Part 1: Research
  • Part 2: Aerial Photos
  • Part 3: Deciphering Maps
  • Part 4: Sharing the project with others
  • Part 5: The Doodle Phase
  • Part 6: Drafting a Plan
  • Part 7: Using Curved Turnouts
  • Part 8: The Plan Comes Together
  • Part 9: Operating the Layout
  • The C&NW Wisconsin Division 3D Tour
Approximate Running Time: 2 hours 3 min
Design a Model Railroad from Start to Finish DVD
Model Railroader

Design a Model Railroad from Start to Finish DVD

Modeler and layout designer David Popp walks you through the exciting world of layout design, sharing a wealth of his favorite design and planning tips along the way. As David plans an HO scale 1950s Chicago & North Western layout for a 10 x 16-foot room, he shows you where to find good prototype information, how to reduce full-sized railroading into something manageable to model, and how draw an accurate plan that can be built into a working model railroad. The DVD includes a 3D tour of the track plan! Approximate Running Time: 2 hours 3 min
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