FineScale Modeler December 2022 Downloadable Content



Don't miss out on the exclusive December 2022 DLC from FineScale Modeler!
Build a P-47D, build a base, paint and weather a pickup truck, and much more. Order today to get immediate access to content not available anywhere else!

In this issue, John C. Backenstross builds and improves a Trumpeter 1/32 scale P-47D, Kostas Georgiou shows how to build a base for your auto models, and Kostas also paints and weathers a pickup truck engine. In addition, Jim James lights a Doll & Hobby Spindrift, Bill Plunk builds a self-propelled gun, Tim Boyd adds detail to car and truck models, and Keith Lindsey builds a model plane in just one day!
FineScale Modeler December 2022 Downloadable Content
Scale Modeling

FineScale Modeler December 2022 Downloadable Content

In this issue, John C. Backenstross builds and improves a Trumpeter 1/32 scale P-47D, Kostas Georgiou shows how to build a base for your auto models, and Kostas also paints and weathers a pickup truck engine. In addition, Jim James lights a Doll & Hobby Spindrift, Bill Plunk builds a self-propelled gun, Tim Boyd adds detail to car and truck models, and Keith Lindsey builds a model plane in just one day!
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