In war and peace through the first half if the 20th century, U.S. Navy battleships projected American power through the globe. The massive floating fortresses played key roles in the Spanish-American War and World War II. In the second half, Iowa-class battleships took part of operations in Korea, Vietnam, and Operation Desert Storm.
If you are looking for a reference that will show the history of that mobile firepower, get your hands on Images of War: Battleships of the United States Navy. The 192-page softcover volume by noted military author Michael Green, gives a brief account of all the classes of battleship commissioned (or planned in the case of the Montana-class) for the Navy. As the title states, the focus here is images; the pages teem with photos ranging from monitors of the late 9th century and the Great White Fleet through the dreadnoughts and super-dreadnought built before WWII. The final chapter covers the fast battleships the culminated in USS Iowa and it's three classmates. Detailed captions accompany the well-reproduced photos.
Whether you are looking for modeling inspiration or you want to understand the history of U.S. battleships, you'll enjoy this book.