Trains August 2019

SKU: TRN190801-C
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Twilight of the Iron RoosterBy Todd HalamkaThe second-shift crew lights their hand torches and prepares the JS-Class 2-8-2 steam locomotive for service at China's Sandaoling coal mine The Trains Map: The rider's guide to New York CityBy Bill MetzgerRail transit in the City That Never Sleeps forms a complex network Extra 4014 EastBy Jim WrinnThe Big Boy returns home to Cheyenne after a dazzling run to Utah Doodlebug countryBy David CrosbySelf-propelled railcars of yesterday goose, skunk, and windsplit their own unique waysCheck out our doodlebug and motorcar photo gallery.A railroad rebornBy Scott A. HartleyCentral Maine & Quebec sees five years of changes, with more in store Senior citizen locomotivesBy Steve GlischinskiAlong Interstate 10, EMD GP30s thrive in Arizona and New Mexico In My Own Words: Railroading in the 1940s ... unofficiallyBy Fred NewbillAge was no issue for a crossing tender looking to outsource his work GalleryBy Ray Lewis
Trains August 2019

Trains August 2019

$2.10 $6.99
Twilight of the Iron RoosterBy Todd HalamkaThe second-shift crew lights their hand torches and prepares the JS-Class 2-8-2 steam locomotive for service at China's Sandaoling coal mine The Trains Map: The rider's guide to New York CityBy Bill MetzgerRail transit in the City That Never Sleeps forms a complex network Extra 4014 EastBy Jim WrinnThe Big Boy returns home to Cheyenne after a dazzling run to Utah Doodlebug countryBy David CrosbySelf-propelled railcars of yesterday goose, skunk, and windsplit their own unique waysCheck out our doodlebug and motorcar photo gallery.A railroad rebornBy Scott A. HartleyCentral Maine & Quebec sees five years of changes, with more in store Senior citizen locomotivesBy Steve GlischinskiAlong Interstate 10, EMD GP30s thrive in Arizona and New Mexico In My Own Words: Railroading in the 1940s ... unofficiallyBy Fred NewbillAge was no issue for a crossing tender looking to outsource his work GalleryBy Ray Lewis
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